On the brink of tears...
The past 2 weeks has been HELL! Been trying to complete an engagement for work and I've really been suffering like MAD!!! I seem to have encountered a mental block and plenty of bad luck. Sigh, I really don't know man. I really felt TOTALLY useless at one point of time that I was on the verge of breaking down. I was honestly going to burst into tears one day because I just didn't feel that I was capable of doing anything right. Thanks to some colleagues and friends who showed faith in me, I toughened up and managed to accomplish something out of nothing. Now, I'm back to square one for another test. Sigh, this sucks man. I just totally don't understand. :(
Although my senior has been more than helpful but I can't seem to work things out. I really do feel like the whole world is against me and I'm really worried what if I can't finish my work. Sigh, my senior and manager has already pushed the dateline back for me and I don't want to fail them. But I really can't do anything about it. I'm just unable to grasp the concept. Certain things just aren't going my way. I really hope I pull through and next week will be all better.
Although my senior has been more than helpful but I can't seem to work things out. I really do feel like the whole world is against me and I'm really worried what if I can't finish my work. Sigh, my senior and manager has already pushed the dateline back for me and I don't want to fail them. But I really can't do anything about it. I'm just unable to grasp the concept. Certain things just aren't going my way. I really hope I pull through and next week will be all better.
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poor kev.. don't fret, don't fret
Just think to yourself that in a month's time (trying to be optimistic) it'll be OVER
... before a new challenge starts again >_<
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